Other languages

Region Dalarna is responsible for publicly financed healthcare, medical care and regional development.

See 1177 for healthcare information

At the 1177 website (1177.se) you can find information about healthcare and wellness translated into other languages.

1177.se for information and medical advice in other languages

1177.se Suomeksi

1177.se Åarjelsaemiengiele

New in Sweden

How society works in Sweden and social information

About the Region Dalarna

All inhabitants can influence the Region Dalarna through elections, use Region Dalarna services and they contribute economically by taxes. The Region Dalarna's elected Assembly consists of 83 members. These politicians are also active as members in different boards within the Region Dalarna. The Region Dalarna Executive has 15 members.

The total area of Dalarna County is more than 28 000 km². In one form or another the Region Dalarna operates all over this area with almost 9 000 employees who give service to the county's 281 000 inhabitants in 15 municipalities.

nurse and patient

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Contact us

Region Dalarna

Telefon: 00 46 23 49 00 00
E-post: region.dalarna@regiondalarna.se
Fax: 00 46 23 49 01 87
Adress: Box 712, S-791 29 Falun